Facebook ads interface
How to get data from trials of Facebook ad
Using Meta ads manager reporting suite
Extracting simple results
2. Specify some filters:
This gets us the screen below
3. Specify the date range.
5. Export simple results for Campaigns
Click 'Reports' ... upper right.
We can 'create a custom report', which saves this for later tweaking, or merely 'export table data'. I will do the latter for now:
Note: I chose CSV and do not include summary rows, to avoid confusion later.
Now I import this data into R (I usually use code but let's do it the interactive way for illustration)...
It seems that the option 'include summary row' was probably not wanted here, and that row with blank 'campaign name' could cause confusion.
It seems to have removed the "bid strategy" column, and added 'reporting starts' and ...'ends' from the filter. Otherwise, everything else seems the same as in the ad manager view, although some labels have changed.
Campaigns, ad sets, ads
We see three tabs
Ad sets for 1 campaign
Ads for 1 campaign
Here we have 7 campaigns, each with separate budgets, and start and end dates (although these mainly overlap).
It looks like some campaigns were set up for direct comparison or "A/B" perhaps, with the exact same budgets and end dates, and similar names:\
Ad sets
Here, there are 52 total 'ad sets' across all campaigns.
I'm going to export this as a csv too, in case it's useful.
There are also 52 "ads"; it seems in this case, one per ad set:
The information in the 'ads' table seems the same as in the 'ad sets table' ... other than a link to preview the ad content itself (which I don't seem to have access to atm).
Last updated