Content overview
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Our mission, what we are trying to do and why, most recent updates, and the organization of our team
Other key resources
EA Market Testing data analysis: dynamic document/notebook (Quarto site) covering our trials & evidence
Airtable view of the relevant trials (); links, categorization provided
Five Key Sections
In this section, you will find with organizations, including Giving What We Can and One For the World.
Here we share tools to implement planned trials, as well as tips relevant to 'doing marketing'. We answer questions like how to set up campaigns and track outcomes on various platforms. See "Implementing ads..." and "Collecting data..."
We discuss qualitative and quantitative research design and methodology issues that are relevant to the trials we are running. Pages in this section will be linked in reports when relevant to a particular trial.
Our profiling project aims to help better understand what sorts of people are amenable to EA-related ideas and to taking EA-favored actions.
We've done a review of existing literature: to inform the trials we are running, and to identify important research topics. This includes What is known/models of effective giving and Principles and theories behind potential trials.
You can find references, tech support, and other resources in the appendix.
What is this 'Gitbook' meant for?
The three key aims of this public gitbook are to:
Convey who we are, what have accomplished, and the scope of our work to funders, people in the broader EA community, and people not yet involved in the project who would be interested in joining
Share tools and knowledge with people in the EA/global priorities community who will apply it to their work. We are building a knowledge base. Content in the public gitbook can inform and support a diverse set of projects (i.e., implementing marketing campaigns, fundraising initiatives, academic research)
Seek feedback on our work. This includes technical and industry feedback on implementation and academic expertise (literature reviews and frameworks to consider, methodology, and experimental design).
(Grouped by organizational partner.)
We include background information on each organization and its priorities for testing.
Last updated
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