Explanations & outreach

Several expositions for different audiences, fleshing out ideas and plans

TLDR: In a nutshell

Podcasts, presentations, and video

See/subscribe to our YouTube channel

Journal independent evaluation and The Unjournal

EA Anywhere (Youtube) – bridging the gap between EA and academia

EA Anywhere

ReproducibiliTea podcast

Slide decks

Presentation for EA Anywhere, online event, 5 Nov. 2023 1-2pm ET

(Link: bit.ly/unjourrnalpresent; offers comment access)

Earlier slide decks

July 2023: The slide deck below was last updated in late 2022 and needs some revision. Nonetheless, it illustrates many of the key points that remain relevant.


Nov 2022: Version targeted towards OSF/Open Science HERE

"Slaying the journals": Google doc

Earlier discussion document, aimed at EA/global priorities, academic, and open-science audiences [link]

Moving science beyond closed, binary, static journals; a proposed alternative; how the "Effective Altruist" and nontraditional nonprofit sector can help make this happen

EA forum posts

Last updated