UJ Team: resources, onboarding

This page should explain or link clear and concise explanations of the key resources, tools, and processes relevant to members of The Unjournal team, and others involved.

5 Sep 2024: Much of the information below is out of date. We have moved most of this content to our internal (Coda) system (but may move some of it back into hidden pages here to enable semantic search)

See also (and integrate): Jordan's 'Onboarding notes'

Management team and administrators

The main platforms for the management team are outlined below with links provided.

Slack group and channels

Please ask for group access, as well as access to private channels, especially "management-policies". Each channel should have a description and some links at the top.


We are no longer using Airtable; the process, and instructions. have been moved into Coda.

GitBook (edit access optional)

See Tech scoping

Management team: You don't need to edit the GitBook if you don't want to, but we're trying to use it as our main place to 'explain everything' to ourselves and others. We will try to link all content here. Note you can use 'search' and 'lens' to look for things.


Access to the PubPub is mainly only needed for doing 'full-service evaluation manager work'.

Link to our PubPub page

Google drive: Gdocs and Gsheets

Please ask for access to this drive. This drive contains meeting notes, discussion, grant applications and tech details.

Link to our Google Drive

Open Collective Foundation

This is for submitting invoices for your work.

Link to our OCF account

Advisory board

The main platforms needed for the advisory board are outlined below with links provided.

Slack group and channels

Members of the advisory board can join our Slack (if they want). They can have access to private channels (subject to ) other than the 'management-policies' channel

Airtable: with discretion

We are no longer using Airtable (except to recover some older content; the process, and instructions have been moved into Coda.io

Evaluation managers/managing evaluations

In addition to the management team platforms explained above, additional information for how to use the platforms specifically for managing evaluations is outlined below.


We are no longer using Airtable; the process, and instructions. have been moved into Coda.


Link to our PubPub page

For details on our current PubPub process please see this google doc. To find this in the google drive, it is under "hosting and tech".

Research-linked contractors


Guidelines for evaluators


Guidelines for evaluators


  1. Airtable: Get to know it's features, it's super-useful. E.g., 'views' provide different pictures of the same information. 'Link' field types connect different tables by their primary keys, allowing information and calculations to flow back and forth.

  2. Airtable table descriptions: as well as by hovering over the '(i)' symbol for each tab. Many of the columns in each tab also have descriptions.

  3. Additional Airtable security: We also keep more sensitive in this AIrtable encrypted, or moved to a different table that only David Reinstein has access to.

  4. Use discretion in sharing: advisory board members might be authors, evaluators, job candidates, or parts of external organizations we may partner with

Last updated

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