
eLife's is a fairly well respected (?) journal in Life Sciences. Their New Model (originally called "publish, review, curate") was big news. Their three-month update seems fairly stable and successful. Here's their FAQ. Their model is similar to ours in many ways, but it's mainly or exclusively for life sciences. They use Sciety for curation.

  • They don't have explicit quantitative metrics, but an "eLife assessment . . . is written with the help of a common vocabulary to ensure consistency," which may proxy this.

  • Evaluators (reviewers) are not compensated. ("We offer remuneration to our editors but not to our peer reviewers.")

  • Reviewers' names are not displayed. ("All public comments posted alongside a preprint will be signed by eLife and not by individuals, putting the onus on eLife as an organisation and community to ensure that the outputs of our peer-review process are of the highest standard.")

  • They charge a $2,000 APC. Presumably, this is true for all "reviewed preprints" on the eLife website, whether or not you request it become a "version of record."

  • The evaluation is non-exclusive unless you request that the reviewed preprint be a "'Version of Record' that will be sent to indexers like PubMed and can be listed in funding, job applications and more."

  • Some share of the work they cover are registered reports.

Last updated

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