Why these guidelines/metrics?
31 Aug 2023: Our present approach is a "working solution" involving some ad-hoc and intuitive choices. We are re-evaluating the metrics we are asking for as well as the interface and framing. We are gathering some discussion in this linked Gdoc, incorporating feedback from our pilot evaluators and authors. We're also talking to people with expertise as well as considering past practice and other ongoing initiatives. We plan to consolidate that discussion and our consensus and/or conclusions into the present (Gitbook) site.
Why numerical ratings?
Ultimately, we're trying to replace the question of "what tier of journal did a paper get into?" with "how highly was the paper rated?" We believe this is a more valuable metric. It can be more fine-grained. It should be less prone to gaming. It aims to reduce randomness in the process, through things like 'the availability of journal space in a particular field'. See our discussion of Reshaping academic evaluation: beyond the binary... .
To get to this point, we need to have academia and stakeholders see our evaluations as meaningful. We want the evaluations to begin to have some value that is measurable in the way “publication in the AER” is seen to have value.
While there are some ongoing efforts towards journal-independent evaluation, these . Typically, they either have simple tick-boxes (like "this paper used correct statistical methods: yes/no") or they enable descriptive evaluation without an overall rating. As we are not a journal, and we don’t accept or reject research, we need another way of assigning value. We are working to determine the best way of doing this through quantitative ratings. We hope to be able to benchmark our evaluations to "traditional" publication outcomes. Thus, we think it is important to ask for both an overall quality rating and a journal ranking tier prediction.
Why these categories?
In addition to the overall assessment, we think it will be valuable to have the papers rated according to several categories. This could be particularly helpful to practitioners who may care about some concerns more than others. It also can be useful to future researchers who might want to focus on reading papers with particular strengths. It could be useful in meta-analyses, as certain characteristics of papers could be weighed more heavily. We think the use of categories might also be useful to authors and evaluators themselves. It can help them get a sense of what we think research priorities should be, and thus help them consider an overall rating.
However, these ideas have been largely ad-hoc and based on the impressions of our management team (a particular set of mainly economists and psychologists). The process is still being developed. Any feedback you have is welcome. For example, are we overemphasizing certain aspects? Are we excluding some important categories?
We are also researching other frameworks, templates, and past practice; we hope to draw from validated, theoretically grounded projects such as RepliCATS.
Why ask for credible intervals?
In eliciting expert judgment, it is helpful to differentiate the level of confidence in predictions and recommendations. We want to know not only what you believe, but how strongly held your beliefs are. If you are less certain in one area, we should weigh the information you provide less heavily in updating our beliefs. This may also be particularly useful for practitioners. Obviously, there are challenges to any approach. Even experts in a quantitative field may struggle to convey their own uncertainty. They may also be inherently "poorly calibrated" (see discussions and tools for calibration training). Some people may often be "confidently wrong." They might state very narrow "credible intervals", when the truth—where measurable—routinely falls outside these boundaries. People with greater discrimination may sometimes be underconfident. One would want to consider and As a side benefit, this may be interesting for research , particularly as The Unjournal grows. We see 'quantifying one's own uncertainty' as a good exercise for academics (and everyone) to engage in.
"Weightings" for each rating category (removed for now)
Adjustments to metrics and guidelines/previous presentations
Pre-October 2023 'ratings with weights' table, provided for reference (no longer in use)
39, 52
47, 54
45, 55
10, 35
40, 70
We had included the note:
We give the previous weighting scheme in a fold below for reference, particularly for those reading evaluations done before October 2023.
As well as:
Suggested weighting: 0.
Elsewhere in that page we had noted:
As noted above, we give suggested weights (0–5) to suggest the importance of each category rating to your overall assessment, given The Unjournal's priorities.
The weightings were presented once again along with each description in the section "Category explanations: what you are rating".
Pre-2024 ratings and uncertainty elicitation, provided for reference (no longer in use)
39, 52
47, 54
45, 55
10, 35
40, 70
You may feel comfortable giving your "90% confidence interval," or you may prefer to give a "descriptive rating" of your confidence (from "extremely confident" to "not confident").
Quantify how certain you are about this rating, either giving a 90% confidence/credibility interval or using our scale described below. (
[Previous...] Remember, we would like you to give a 90% CI or a confidence rating (1–5 dots), but not both.
And, for the 'journal tier' scale:
Previous 'descriptions of ratings intervals'
[Previous guidelines]: The description folded below focuses on the "Overall Assessment." Please try to use a similar scale when evaluating the category metrics.
See also
Unjournal Evaluator Guidelines and Metrics - Discussion space
Last updated
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