What research to target?
(for pilot and beyond)
Our is quantitative work that informs global priorities (see linked discussion), especially in . We want to see better research leading to better outcomes in the real world (see our 'Theory of Change').
See (earlier) discussion in public call/EA forum discussion HERE.
To reach these goals, we need to select "the right research" for evaluation. We want to choose papers and projects that are highly relevant, methodologically promising, and that will benefit substantially from our evaluation work. We need to optimize how we select research so that our efforts remain mission-focused and useful. We also want to make our process transparent and fair. To do this, we are building a coherent set of criteria and goals, and a specific approach to guide this process. We explore several dimensions of these criteria below.
High-level considerations for prioritizing research
When considering a piece of research to decide whether to commission it to be evaluated, we can start by looking at its general relevance as well as the value of evaluating and rating it.
Our prioritization of a paper for evaluation should not be seen as an assessment of its quality, nor of its 'vulnerability'. Furthermore, specific and less intensive.
Why is it relevant and worth engaging with?
We consider (and prioritize) the importance of the research to global priorities; its relevance to crucial decisions; the attention it is getting, the influence it is having; its direct relevance to the real world; and the potential value of the research for advancing other impactful work. We de-prioritize work that has already been credibly (publicly) . We also consider the fit of the research with our scope (social science, etc.), and the likelihood that we can commission experts to meaningfully evaluate it. As noted below, some 'instrumental goals' (sustainability, building credibility, driving change, ...) also play a role in our choices.
Some features we value, that might raise the probability we consider a paper or project include the commitment and contribution to open science, the authors' engagement with our process, and the logic, communication, and transparent reasoning of the work. However, if a prominent research paper is within our scope and seems to have a strong potential for impact, we will prioritize it highly, whether or not it has these qualities.
2. Why does it need (more) evaluation, and what are some key issues and claims to vet?
We ask the people who suggest particular research, and experts in the field:
What are (some of) the authors’ key/important claims that are worth evaluating?
What aspects of the evidence, argumentation, methods, and interpretation, are you unsure about?
What particular data, code, proofs, and arguments would you like to see vetted? If it has already been peer-reviewed in some way, why do you think more review is needed?
Ultimate goals: what are we trying to optimize?
Put broadly, we need to consider how this research allows us to achieve our own goals in line with our Global Priorities Theory of Change flowchart, The research we select and evaluate should meaningfully drive positive change. One way we might see this process: “better research & more informative evaluation” → “better decision-making” → “better outcomes” for humanity and for non-human animals (i.e., the survival and flourishing of life and human civilization and values).
Prioritizing research to achieve these goals
As we weigh research to prioritize for evaluation, we need to balance directly having a positive impact against building our ability to have an impact in the future.
A. Direct impact (‘score goals now’)
Below, we adapt the "ITN" cause prioritization framework (popular in effective altruism circles) to assess the direct impact of our evaluations.
What is the direct impact potential of the research?
This is a massive question many have tried to address (see sketches and links below). We respond to uncertainty around this question in several ways, including:
Consulting a range of sources, not only EA-linked sources.
Non-EA, e.g., https://globalchallenges.org/.
Scoping what other sorts of work are representative inputs to GP-relevant work.
Get a selection of seminal GP publications; look back to see what they are citing and categorize by journal/field/keywords/etc.
Where is the current journal system failing GP-relevant work the most . . . in ways we can address?
“Evaluability” of research: Where does the UJ approach yield the most insight or value of information?
Existing expertise: Where do we have field expertise on the UJ team? This will help us commission stronger evaluations.
"Feedback loops": Could this research influence concrete intervention choices? Does it predict near-term outcomes? If so, observing these choices and outcomes and getting feedback on the research and our evaluation can yield strong benefits.
Consideration/discussion: How much should we include research with indirect impact potential (theoretical, methodological, etc.)?
B. Sustainability: funding, support, participation
Moreover, we need to consider how the research evaluation might support the sustainability of The Unjournal and the broader general project of open evaluation. We may need to strike a balance between work informing the priorities of various audences, including:
Relevance to stakeholders and potential supporters
Clear connections to impact; measurability
Support from relevant academic communities
Support from open science
Consideration/discussion: What will drive further interest and funding?
C. Credibility, visibility, driving positive institutional change
Finally, we consider how our choices will increase the visibility and solidify the credibility of The Unjournal and open evaluations. We consider how our work may help drive positive institutional change. We aim to:
Interest and involve academics—and build the status of the project.
Commission evaluations that will be visibly useful and credible.
‘Benchmark traditional publication outcomes’, track our predictiveness and impact.
Have strong leverage over research "outcomes and rewards."
Increase public visibility and raise public interest.
Bring in supporters and participants.
Achieve substantial output in a reasonable time frame and with reasonable expense.
Maintain goodwill and a justified reputation for being fair and impartial.
We hope we have identified the important considerations (above); but we may be missing key points. We continue to engage discussion and seek feedback, to hone and improve our processes and approaches.
Data: what are we evaluating/considering?
We present and analyze the specifics surrounding our current evaluation data in this interactive notebook/dashboard here.
Below: An earlier template for considering and discussing the relevance of research. This was/is provided both for our own consideration and for sharing (in part?) with evaluators, to give . Think of these as bespoke evaluation notes for a .
Last updated
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