Status, expenses, and payments

Our status

The Unjournal is now an independent 501(c)(3) organization. We have new (and hopefully simpler and easier) systems for submitting expenses.

Submitting for payments and expenses

Evaluators: to claim your payment for evaluation work, please complete this very brief form.

You will receive your payment via a Wise transfer (they may ask you for your bank information if you don't have an account with them).

We aim to process all payments within one week.

Confidentiality: Please note that even though you are asked to provide your name and email, your identity will only be visible to The Unjournal administrators for the purposes of making this payment. The form asks you for the title of the paper you are evaluating. If you are uncomfortable doing this, please let us know and we can find another approach to this.

Anonymity and 'salted hash' codes

This information should be moved to a different section

Why do we call it a 'salted hash'

The 'hash' itself represents a one-way encryption of either your name or email. We store this information in a database shared only internally at The Unjournal. If you are asking for full anonymity, this information is only kept on the hard drive of our co-manager, operations RA, and potentially the evaluator. But if we used this anyone who knows your name or email could potentially 'check' if you were the person it pertained to. That's why we 'salt' it: we add an additional bit of 'salt', a password only known to our co-managers and operations RA before we encrypt it. This better protects your anonymity.

What bank/payment information might we need?

Type: ABA [or?] Account Holder: name


Abartn: ?????????




Post Code:

First Line:

Legal Type: PRIVATE

Account Type: CHECKING [or ?]

Account Number: ...

Additional invoice information

Last updated

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#531: Pivotal questions initiative

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